Producing figures for LaTeX documents with Gnuplot
Gnuplot is a very handy tool when it comes to producing figures to be included into your work documens, be it a report, article or any of the like. It offers much capability and enough options to produce graphs that boost the quality and the presentation of your document. But, as is the case with any programming language, it takes some time and patience to learn how to actually it efficiently.
I use Gnuplot mainly for one dimensional graphs to be inserted in LaTeX documents. For me, any figure should satisfy the following requirements :
- It’s formatted as vector graphics : Vector graphics are more reliable when it comes to quality. Unless you use some trillions of pixels, a bitmap image turns very quickly into a mess when you zoom for details.
- Its Labels and axis graduations are effortlessly visible : This is important especially in slides for oral presentations. Graduations and labels must be clearly visible, otherwise the figure may lose its purpose.
- It blends well with the surroundings where it’s inserted : The figure should be in harmony with the text around it. For instance, it would be better if it shares the same fonts and should have as little extra white space as possible.
In this step-by-step demonstration, I explain how to generate some nice-looking figures by using gnuplot and LaTeX.
1. Prerequisites
- Preferably a machine running with unix-based OS.
- A text editor.
(5.0 or higher).- A LaTex installation. You can for instance install the
package which comes with everything, or just installtexlive-latex-recommended
plus the packages:texlive-fonts-recommended
2. Creating the figure
Since I will be using epslatex
terminal, running the gnuplot script will generate two files :
- a .tex containing all the writing (titles, labels, key).
- a postscript file containing the graphics (curves, axes, grid).
Then, compiling the .tex file will generate a pdf file containing the full figure. So to summarize, the process goes like this :
Therefore, the header of the gnuplot script looks like this :
set terminal epslatex standalone
set output 'figure.tex'
The standalone
option makes the generated TeX file compilable on its own. A full minimal example is given below:
set terminal epslatex standalone size 15cm,7cm color colortext 12
set output 'figure.tex'
set grid
plot sin(x), cos(x)
- Copy this code to a new document and save it as
in some directory/path/to/dir
- In a terminal, move to this directory by running the command
cd /path/to/dir
. - Compile this code with gnuplot by running
gnuplot script
in the terminal. - Compile the output TeX file by running
pdflatex figure.tex
This will finally generate a ‘figure.pdf’ alongside the usual latex outputs (which you can remove if you want). The figure should look like this :
Tip : Since the process goes through several steps, I recommend using a bash script containing all the system commands and place it in the same directory. Here’s an example :
gnuplot script
pdflatex --interaction=batchmode figure.tex
rm *.aux *.log *-inc.eps *.tex *converted-to.pdf
The option --interaction=batchmode
hides almost all the output of the pdflatex command. The last line removes all the unnecessary latex output files to just keep the script, the bashcript and pdf output.
Enhancing quality
We can try to make the previous graph look a little bit better. We can for instance :
- Add arrows and labels to the both axes.
- Make more meaningful graduations.
- Add more resolution points to the curves.
- Customize the key.
But first, let us define some line styles. It helps to have some predefined styles which can come in handy for future uses :
set style line 1 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 2 dt 2
set style line 2 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2
set style arrow 1 head filled size screen 0.022,20,30 lw 2 lc rgb "black"
Then let us add the axes :
set arrow from graph 0,0 to graph 1,0 arrowstyle 1 front
set label 1 "$x$" at graph 1.02,0.01
set arrow from graph 0,0 to graph 0,1 arrowstyle 1
set label 2 "$y$" at graph -0.01,1.05
We define the plot range and add custom graduations :
set xrange[0:5*pi]
set xtics ("$0$" 0,'$\pi$' pi,'$2\pi$' 2*pi,'$3\pi$' 3*pi,'$4\pi$' 4*pi,'$5\pi$' 5*pi)
set yrange[-1.2:1.5]
set ytics (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1)
set tic scale 0.5
We add more points to have smoother lines :
set samples 2000
and finally customise the key :
set key box at graph 0.98,0.95
The full script is available here. The output should now look like this : This is it. This is the generic way in which I create my figures with gnuplot for LaTeX. Here are some other examples I created using the same process :